Invest in Stockholm features Pharmista
Alice Mattsson Alice Mattsson

Invest in Stockholm features Pharmista

“One of the most eye-catching Femtech startups is Stockholm-based Pharmista Technologies, whose innovation is to establish a reusable pregnancy test to reduce women’s spending on their reproductive health, increase convenience, convey clearer test results, and reduce the use of single-use items made of plastics”

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Alice awarded with the 'First in Femtech' recognition
Alice Mattsson Alice Mattsson

Alice awarded with the 'First in Femtech' recognition

The First In FemTech award recognizes individuals who has significantly contributed to women’s health innovation. The criteria considered for this award includes: excellence in innovation, leadership qualities, milestones accomplished, collaborative spirit, and a dedication to accessibility, affordability, and diversity. 

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Pharmista awarded with scholarship from XO foundation
Alice Mattsson Alice Mattsson

Pharmista awarded with scholarship from XO foundation

XO foundation seeks to support young, overlooked founders in Sweden and is backed by some of the most prominent business people in Sweden. This year, Pharmista was awarded with the stipend alongside 4 other companies.

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Alice awarded with 'SKAPA talang'
Alice Mattsson Alice Mattsson

Alice awarded with 'SKAPA talang'

Alice was one of the 25 winners this year of SKAPA talang which honors inventors in Sweden. She also performed the best pitch at the ceremony where she "clearly communicating the need for Pharmistas target group in less than 2 minutes".

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Pharmista takes part in EIT Healths Medtech Bootcamp
Marvin Shastan Marvin Shastan

Pharmista takes part in EIT Healths Medtech Bootcamp

In this six-week, online program, experts and mentors will help us to refine our business and financial plan. Moreover, we will take a closer look at the market potential, our competition and medical device regulations.

We are very happy to have been 1 in 10 companies to be selected out of 58 applicants!

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Pharmista joins Station F's Femtech program
Alice Mattsson Alice Mattsson

Pharmista joins Station F's Femtech program

Created with the support of 50 FemTech experts, STATION F's six-months program in Paris provides access to exclusive tools and resources. Pharmista is 1 of 14 companies to be accepted.

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Pharmista wins "game changer" award at Venture Cup
Marvin Shastan Marvin Shastan

Pharmista wins "game changer" award at Venture Cup

Pharmista was awarded the game changer award at Venture Cup in region south with the following motivation, 

"An innovative solution that changes an already existing industry. With the team's expertise they have created a technology that is scalable and can be applied to more areas, a given game changer".

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